At 07.43 UT on August 8th 2024, an earthquake hit Japan’s southern island. Whilst thankfully there was no catastrophe, the event triggered a warning by the Japanese Earthquake monitors that a mega-quake could be next.

Such was their concern that the Japanese Prime Minister cut short a visit to return home to prepare for the eventuality of a Mega-event.

A Solar Eclipse on October 2nd affects the chart for Japan. It was awareness of the potential effect of this eclipse that led some financial astrologers to suggest that the Japanese currency, the Yen, might weaken in 2024 – as has been the case.

Those same astrologers noted that yet another powerful aspect would affect Japan’s chart and arguably give rise to the need for urgent reconstruction.

Earthquakes have various cosmic signatures. A common theme concerns the Moon’s distance from Earth and its declination.

The Moon reaches maximum monthly declination on August 15th – a few days ahead of the Full Moon but just hours after Mars and Jupiter appear aligned.

This cosmic signature warrants concern as pressure on the Earth’s crust is likely to build ahead of the powerful Full Moon on August 19th.

Astrologers have many reasons to be concerned about this Full Moon. It coincides with a key phase in the Jupiter – Saturn cycle which, if history repeats, should find the global financial system – and banking sector in particular - under stress. It is not impossible to imagine that this will be driven by an ‘earthshattering’ event.

The San Francisco earthquake in 1906 offers the most obvious correlation between planetary positions and geological activity: Mercury was at exact right angle to both Uranus and Neptune.

Throughout August and September 2024, the San Francisco earthquake chart is activated by virtue of planets passing key positions in that chart.

Only time will tell which areas of the planet will be affected by sudden earth movement. Should there be a major event, this would surely validate the worthiness of astrological research.